Dermabrasion for Rosacea
Dermabrasion is a cosmetic procedure incorporating the manual abrasion of the skin to remove hyperpigmentation, acne scars, wrinkles around the mouth called perioral wrinkles or smoker's lines, tattoo removal and scar revision. Dermabrasion may be used in combination with other types of cosmetic treatments as well. Dermabrasion isn't the best option for everyone. If your skin is sensitive due to rosacea, you've experienced hyper or hypo pigmentation or keloids in the past, if do not heal well from burns or tend to scar easily from minor cuts or abrasions; then this is not an option for you. Also, if you have ethnicity (i.e. Greek, Italian, Asian or African-American, etc.) in your biological family, you may be prone to hyper or hypopigmentation resulting from any level of dermabrasion.
Some rosacea patients have tried dermabrasion and dermaplaning. These are two techniques that improve the appearance of skin by re-texturing problem areas. The process will sand or abrades off the top layers of skin. The idea is to perform a controlled removal of the skin by aggressively sanding or damaging the skin. This removes the top layer of skin and is thought to stimulate the healing process to encourage rejuvenation of the skin. After healing usually in 7 to 10 days, one should experience a smoother skin surface. This is an aggressive process and should be under taken with caution.
Dermabrasion is not recommended when any of the following conditions are evident within the treatment area: Active or recent herpes outbreaks, Active Rosacea, Undiagnosed skin lesions, Active, weeping acne (stages 3-4), Warts, pigmentation problems, Auto-immune system disorders, or Unstable diabetes.
Dermabrasion is performed under sedation. The procedure involves a spinning wheel that acts much like an electric sander that is passed over the affected area as it polishes or buffs away the surface area of skin to remove the damaged surface area. The whole procedure can take anywhere for fifteen minutes to two hours to complete. Following the procedure a thin application of antibiotic cream is applied and perhaps bandages to cover the wound area. The skin will be swollen and feel as if it has been burned. The treated area appears will be red or pinkish for several weeks. Post-op down time is about two weeks. Be sure to follow all post-op instructions for proper healing.
All surgery has the risk for possible complications, and with dermabrasion those risks include infection, scarring, permanent changes to skin tone or pigment, or a spotty uneven skin tone.