Rosacea Treatment
Rosacea treatments are different as rosacea symptoms are different with each patient and viewed differently by each dermatologist. The degree to which one experiences rosacea facial redness, flushing, facial swelling or the dilated blood vessels associated with Telangiectasis are as unique and individual as each person. Each occurrence of a rosacea flare will also vary substantially in degree and severity of symptoms. Other symptoms of rosacea which may or may not be present with each rosacea flare include a formed raised red bump called a rosacea papule, pustules which are the term used when a papule becomes inflamed or infected. Large pores or a lumpy texture to the kin are more common when one is dehydrated. Skin sensitivity, symptoms of ocular involvement and a burning or stinging of the skin tend to occur in approximately half of all rosacea patients at some point in their rosacea journey. More unusual would be the occurrence of rhinopyma which is usually in the later stages of untreated rosacea in which some observe changes in the shape and size of the nasal area.
Rosacea does run in families because of lifestyles of foods, drinks, and outdoor activities as well as the geographical location of weather and wind, etc. are the same. If rosacea was an inherited skin disorder, the symptoms would begin to show up early in life as the blue or green eyes or light hair, or other family characteristics begin to appear. However, symptoms do begin to appear with large amounts of sun exposure as other family members may also enjoy the outdoor activities. Likewise as the family has many different foods and drinks, these 'trigger' foods and drinks began to add up to make the body more acidic or lead the body into a mild state of 'metabolic acidosis' at which times the symptoms begin to appear more prominent.
There is so much that can be learned as you might read further pages of lifestyles and poor rosacea treatments, that can keep the patient captive for years without much improvement. Most patients after 5 to 10 years are still seeking a better treatment. Sometimes the entire face can be affected, while in other patients it may be just the nose, or the upper cheek area. Other patients may only have ocular rosacea. So as you can see, these symptoms vary by the patient. Quite often the patient will change dermatologist every two or three years in hopes of finding a quick treatment cure. Some of these treatments are irritating to the patient's skin, while others may make some small improvement for a while but stop working.
Rosacea is persistent and usually worsens with time which results in changes in appearance and self-esteem. Most cases can be controlled easily by avoiding factors that trigger flushing, using sun protection, and by keeping the body well hydrated with water.
As rosacea progresses, dilated blood vessels may become visible. Often when patients blush or flush, the blood vessels enlarge in their faces can look like thin red lines. In advanced cases, the skin on the nose may display symptoms such as swelling or enlargement, cysts may form, and small, knobby bumps develop, making the nose appear red and swollen. This condition, called rhinophyma, is relatively uncommon and primarily affects men. It was the cause of the late comedian W.C. Fields' best known feature - his trademark bulbous nose. The most outstanding treatment has an unusual mechanism of healing that makes total sense as its objective is 'to simply do the opposite of most rosacea treatments' by leaving the sensitive skin intact on the face and is known as Rosacea-Ltd IV. This non-irritating natural treatment has patients stating, "you can't lose anything by using this product except your rosacea", and thus the naming of the product was "Rosacea-Ltd "meaning" to limit rosacea. The fourth generation received the name of Rosacea-Ltd IV and is in the 17 years of worldwide sales with a 100% refund within 120 days as the saying from other patients is: "You can't lose anything but your rosacea." There are many other rosacea treatments that you may try also by clicking on the links in the menu on the left margin of the page and looking for 'Non-Prescription Rosacea Treatments' and 'Prescription Treatments for Rosacea'.
Rosacea Symptoms
The International Rosacea Foundation provides recommendations for the best natural rosacea treatment for facial skin as well as ocular and eye treatment. The primary rosacea symptoms of skin redness, facial flushing and blushing are most easily noticed. Later as the skin has more advancement of symptoms from harsh treatments, the papules (raised red lesions without pus) appear most prominent and may be quite noticeable. Sometimes the patient mistakes the red papules for acne pimples and tries to squeeze them to express the fluid. Instead of pus, they are able to see body serum leaking out which is a clear fluid. The papules should be left alone as they will only get infected and irritated and larger by picking at them. Rosacea most often appears in the adults middle ages, but can begin for some patients in their very early 20's and other patients in their late 60's as the body begins to get more acidic with age.
Ocular Rosacea
Up to 20% of patients may experience symptoms related to their eyes. Ocular rosacea, as it is called, frequently precedes the other manifestations on the skin. Most of these ocular symptoms do not threaten sight, unless the ocular treatment of a 1/3 steroid and 2/3 antibiotic is used.
The ocular symptoms may also accompany the facial symptoms in some patients. Keratitis is very serious and can lead to poor sight. Dermatologists have found Rosacea-Ltd IV to be the best ocular treatment while being safe for the eyes.
Ocular Rosacea usually affects patients more in dry areas of the world and those that live in dry climates. Also those that are more involved in exercise or outdoor expose. The simple key is to drink more water to keep the body and they eyes well hydrated as the eyes are usually 96% water. The ocular symptoms of the eyes can be very frustrating and painful to the patient as the eyes can appear very bloodshot and vision can be impaired. Often other ocular components are involved such as blepharitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis, iritis, iridocyclitis, and hypopyoniritis.
The Cause of Rosacea

The etiology or 'cause' has been difficult for some dermatologist and many patients. And you will be able to prove it to yourself quickly even while many medical researchers continue to be baffled. Many patients have easily summarized their various "triggers" and now understand 'why' by experiencing the facial and ocular flare ups resulting from the intake of the acid foods and drinks and related stress that the patients has from the 'hyperness' of the acid consumption.
Most patients have learned many of the foods or drinks that are 'triggers' to cause their facial flare-ups with more flushing, blushing and redness. Usually these foods and drinks are the ones that are most common to every patient. These triggers are red wine, coffee, pizza, etc. that most of us love very much. Likewise stress if a very large trigger to us all. All of these foods and many other foods and drinks that cause rosacea flare-ups of flushing, blushing and redness have a low pH (potential of hydrogen).
The problem is 'how to overcome' this obstacle as these foods and drinks have been a big part of their entire life. Consuming more alkaline foods and drinks, while reducing the acidic foods and drinks will provide the answer for reducing symptoms of flushing, blushing and redness while aiding in new skin cell regeneration. The body should be alkaline and not acidic in nature. Yeast, bacteria, fungi and cancer thrive or grown most easily in the acidic body. So returning to a more alkaline body with a higher pH (potential of hydrogen) is the best way to have beautiful skin and an overall healthy body. The best way to do this is with water, vegetables, etc. that are alkaline foods. A secondary cause is not enough facial exercise. A concept to correct this is known as the Sobye Massage is to improve the flow of arterial or red blood that does not flow well enough through the facial area and to evacuate the acidic blood containing more plaque or cholesterol that does not flow as smoothly as the more alkaline blood with a 7.42 pH.
Therefore, the treatment of rosacea or any skin condition must involve treatment of the whole body. Dr. Jonathan Wilkin, a prominent dermatological expert and former Chief of the FDA Division of Dermatologic and Dental Drug Products stated, "We know less about rosacea than any other skin disorder." Dermatologists are frustrated with this misunderstood disorder due to a lack of personal patient history of past medications and lifestyles as patients often migrated from one dermatologist to another in their desire to find a remedy for their papules, redness and seborrheic dermatitis.
Yes, the patient can have a difficult time in the proper diagnosis and an even more difficult time in gaining the proper treatment especially when combined or with the co-existence of the various types of dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis. It becomes more difficult to treat the patient than to comprehend the complexity. The most logical and best medical concept is not for any one treatment to harm the other skin condition or to harm the already sensitive skin.
Many dermatologist and medical researchers find that it is sometimes hard to diagnose rosacea as often there are other skin conditions that co-exist such as eczema, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, and acne causing redness on the same patient. Most often the treatment for acne for removing the comedones and old skin cells causing blockage of the sebaceous glands will cause a worsening of the rosacea redness and papules. Within this web site, we offer skin care recommendations on healthy basic ways in which you can change habits and in doing so, change the texture, redness and condition of your skin. Treating rosacea need not involve an endless round of laser treatments, oral or topical antibiotics or the worst of all, the use of steroid. It can be as simple as modifying your lifestyle to include positive healthy skin care habits.
Definitions of Rosacea Components
Edema: Swelling of the facial skin tissue usually in the eye area and cheeks.
Erythema: Erythema refers to the inflammatory redness of the nose, cheeks, chin, and forehead that often lasts for days and is most often continuous.
Flushing: Is a term used to describe the temporary facial redness or erythema which passes quickly in just a few minutes.
Hypergenesis: Is the proliferation of cell growth within facial tissue is indicative of cancer cells that may also be indicative of rhinophyma.
Hypertrophy: Hypertrophy is the abnormal growth of facial skin tissue associated with rhinophyma.
Rhinophyma or bulbous nose: Rhinophyma is the abnormal growth of the soft tissue of nose, caused by sebaceous gland hypertrophy and hyperplasia (increased growth and number of sebaceous glands.) Symptoms of rhinophyma may occur in the later stages of rosacea.
Papule: A papule is a small, red, solid and elevated inflammatory facial skin lesion without pus. The papule is minor when the size is of a small measle lesion, moderate when smaller than the size of a pencil eraser, and severe when the rosacea papule is the size of a small currency coin. Papules are 'not' adult acne which often accompanies rosacea in 82% of patients.
Pustule: A pustule is defined as a 'pus' filled inflammatory lesion having a bacterial component (contain pus) most often referred to as acne. Pustules or acne are mainly localized in and around the hair follicles where body oil is secreted.
Telangiectasias or spidery veins: Telangiectasias are small microvessels composed of combinations arterioles, capillaries, and venules that have been damaged and dilated and most often found on the nose but visible on other facial skin areas also.
Clinical Definition of Rosacea: Rosacea is redness and burning of the upper layer of the skin dermis. The ramification is enlarged blood vessels, and an orange peel or puffy skin. Often rosacea papules persist with a hardened elevated red nodule and even more often acne pimples persist.
Rosacea In History:
The French surgeon, Dr. Guy de Chauliac, in the 14th century, was the first person known to describe rosacea medically as a skin condition. Dr. de Chauliac talked about "red lesions in the face, particularly on the nose and cheeks." He called the condition "goutterose" (French for "pink droplet") or "couperose" (now a common French term for rosacea).
Others referred to rosacea as "gutta rosa" (the Latin version of "goutterose") or "pustule de vin" (French for "pimples of wine"). Whatever the name, the condition was well-known and commonly "attributed to the excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks," according to Dr. de Bersaques.
References to rosacea were also known in early literature. Chaucer's Canterbury Tales and Shakespeare's Henry V include descriptions of men with red faces and enlarged noses. Artists through the centuries also have depicted rosacea in paintings of red faces and bulbous red noses. A painting in the Louvre, "The Old Man and His Grandson" by Ghirlandiao around the year 1480, is a well-known example.
Please visit
Rosacea-ltd to get a better understanding of rosacea, its symptoms, and treatment.
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